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Structured Programming

Fundamentals of Structured Programming Language:
History of structured programming language, Programming structures and building blocks.
Fundamentals: Character set, Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers, Data Types, Variables, Constant, Comments.
Operators and Expression:
Operators and Build in Functions: Arithmetic, Unary, Relational and logical, Assignment and
Conditional Operators, precedence and Associative – Library functions – Data input and output
functions. Writing Programs: Declarations – Expressions – Statements – Simple programs.
Control Structures:
Control Structures: Flow of control –Decision making, loop control – if, if-else, while, dowhile, for loop, Nested control structures – switch, break and continue, go to statements –comma operator.
Functions, Arrays, Structures and Unions:
Functions: Basic types of function, Declaration and definition, Function call, Types of function,
Parameter passing, Call by value, Call by reference, Scope of variable, Storage classes, Recursion.
Arrays and Files:
Arrays- Defining and processing- Passing arrays to functions- Multi Dimensional ArraysArrays and Strings. Structures and Unions: User Defined data types-Passing structures to functions- Unions- Bit wise operations.File Input / Output – Creating,Reading and Writing
files, processing, opening and closing file data


• Design control flow mechanism for simple, decision making and looping programs.
• Write programs to process data types, format input and output.
• Writeprograms using decision making statements, loops and arrays.
• Writeprograms using string, function, file, and user defined data types

Object-Oriented Programming

Introduction to Object Oriented Concepts:
Procedural Programming vs. Object-Oriented Programming, Abstract Data Types (ADTs),
Basics of Object Oriented Programming language, Introduction to UML.
Classes and Objects:
Classes & Objects, Attributes and functions, constructors and destructors, functions or methods,
overloading methods, access control, special considerations in different Languages. I/O: Stream and files.
Object Design and Programming:
Abstraction, inheritance: Superclass and Subclass, multiple inheritance, polymorphism, method
overriding, associations, delegation, dynamic binding, interface.
Exception Handling & Generics or Templates:
Exception handling fundamentals, exception types, chained exception, creating own exception subclasses.
Special considerations in different languages. Package/Namespace: Understanding and implementing
package/ name space


Write programs using class, attributes and functions, constructors and destructors, functions or
methods, overloading methods, access control.
• Write programs using abstraction, inheritance: Superclass and Subclass, multiple inheritance,
polymorphism, method overriding, associations, delegation, dynamic binding, and interface.
• Write programs using collection framework, package, and complicated exception handling facilities
• Write Graphical User Interface using object oriented programming language tools

Application programming 

Variables and Expressions:
Creating variables, accessing and manipulating data in vector variables, and creating basic visualizations.
Entering commands, creating numeric variables, creating character variables, making and annotating plots,
accessing and modifying values in variables.
Data Selection and Analysis:
Logical operations and variables, finding and counting, logical indexing. Importing from spreadsheets and
delimited text files, dealing with missing data, plotting functions, customizing plots.
Vectors and Matrices:
Perform mathematical and statistical calculations with vectors. Performing calculations with vectors.
Creating multiple plots. Creating and manipulating matrices, performing calculations with matrices,
calculating statistics with matrix data, visualizing matrix data.
Using the command history, creating script files, running scripts, dividing code into sections, publishing scripts


• Work with the MATLAB user interface
• Enter commands and create variables
• Analyze vectors and matrices
• Visualize vector and matrix data
• Work with data files
• Work with data types
• Automate commands with scripts
• Write programs with logic and flow control
• Write functions

Electronics and instrumentation 


Semiconductor diode operation and characteristics; transistor operation, it’s application,
characteristics and equivalent circuit; self-biasing circuit; amplifiers; timer circuits; DC motor
speed control circuit; applications of measurement instruments; generalized configuration and
functional descriptions of measuring instruments; performance characteristics of instruments;
static and dynamic characteristics; measuring devices; measurement of voltage, current, power,
energy, flux and light; AVO meter; Oscilloscope; transducers; strain, temperature and pressure
measurement ; accuracy and error measurement.

Database management system


Database, System Applications, Purpose of Database Systems, View of Data, Database Languages,
Introduction to Relational Databases, Database Design, Data Storage and Querying, Transaction
Management, Database Architecture, Database Users and Administrators, History of Database
Relational Model and Its Design Techniques:
Introduction to the Relational model: Structure of Relational Databases, Database Schema, Keys,
Schema Diagrams, Relational Query Languages, Relational Operations. Relational Database
Design: Features of Good Relational Designs, Atomic Domains and First Normal Form,
Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies, Functional-Dependency Theory, Algorithms for
Decomposition, Decomposition Using Multivalued Dependencies, More Normal Forms,
Database- Design Process, Modeling Temporal Data.
Structured Query Language:
Overview of the SQL Query Language, SQL Data Definition, Basic Structure of SQL Queries,
Additional Basic Operations, Set Operations, Null Values, Aggregate Functions, Nested Sub
queries, Modification of the Database.

operation research 

Optimization Models and Examples.
Linear Programming:
Linear Programming Models; Graphical Solution; Simplex Algorithm and Goal Programming;
Sensitivity Analysis and Duality; Transportation Models; Network Models and Algorithms.
Integer Programming and Queueing Models:
Modeling with integer variables; Branch and Bound Methods; Dynamic Programming. Queueing
Nonlinear Programming:
Nonlinear Models; KKT conditions; Constrained/Unconstrained optimization; Algorithms.

Computer graphics 


Computer Graphics Overview:
Images, Models, Pipeline architecture; OpenGL pipeline, Libraries, Conventions, Basic shaders,
Geometry, Transformations and Viewing:
Curves, Surfaces, Implicit vs. Parametric forms, Polygons. Points vs. Vectors, Homogeneous
transformations. Projections, OpenGL camera control.
Shading, Mapping, Blending and Clipping:
Lighting models, Surface normals, Phong shading. Mapping methods, Texture coordinates.
Translucency, Compositing images, Anti-aliasing. Cohen-Sutherland, Bounding boxes, Hiddensurface removal. Rasterization Line drawing, Polygon fill, Line scanning.

GIS and ICT 


What and why GIS, applications and components of GIS, basic map concept, storing geographic
data; graphic andtabular data integration; digitized map features, hardware and software
requirements for GIS database design;digitizing errors, topology, working and manipulating
attributes and data transfer; GPS; different methods of datacollection (Single Point Processing);
Differential and Real Time kinematics; method and post processing of GPSdata; Integration of
GPS with GIS; basics of ARC/INFO and Arc View; information processing and IT.