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Engineering Drawing 

Introduction: History,    Applications,    Instruments,     Lines,     Arrows,       Dimensions and Symbols
Lettering: Definition,     Type,   Uses,  Single and Double stroke lettering. 

Scale: Definition,      Types,    Uses,    Plane and    Diagonal scale construction. 

Views: Definition,     Types and Uses.
Orthographic View: Definition,    Principles Surfaces of solid sections,  Drawing procedure and Uses.

IsometricView:  Definition,    Drawing of solids,  Orthographic views from Isometric views and Uses.
Building drawing: Foundation,  Superstructure,  Lintel with sunshade,      Beam,      Roof, Staircase,      Construction plans and layouts of Farmhouse and Storage structure


Introduction: Definition,  Importance, Types and Instruments of surveying.
Chain survey:Definition,      Procedure  ,Plotting details,    Errors,      Merits and demerits.
Traverse survey:Definition,   Types ,Procedures,     Bearing measure and plotting,     Errors and adjustment,       Merits and demerits
Plane Table survey:Definition,   Procedure,   Orientation,  Merits and demerits,    Two and three point problems.
Levelling: Objectives,      Methods,      Reduced level  Effects of curvature and refraction  and their corrections.
Contouring:Definition,     Characteristics and uses,    Direct and indirect methods.
Cadastral survey: Definition,  instruments, procedures and land settlement and map preparation.
Curves: Definition, Types, Curve components,   Setting of circular, transition and vertical curves, Super elevation and Shift.
Project survey: Definition,   Classification, Irrigation and Canal projects

Engineering materials

Introduction: General consideration,    Selection and use of engineering materials in Bangladesh.
Bricks: Definition,    Factors affecting brick quality Brick-clay constituents,  Manufacturing,  Drying, Burning, Characteristics, Tests, Classification and Uses.
Lime: Type, Uses, Tests and Lime concrete.
Cement: Classification, Composition, Manufacture,  Properties and Tests of Portland cements.
Sand: Classification, Uses, Gradation and Fineness Modulus.
Cementconcrete:Definition,Classification,Properties,Water-cementratio, Proportioning, Curing, Tests and Design of concrete mix.
Iron and Steel: Ores, Types, Properties, Uses, Manufacturing and Qualitycontrol.
Timber: Definition,Woodstructure,Volumemeasure,Characteristics,Defects,Seasoning and Timbers of Bangladesh.
Miscellaneous materials: Tiles, Plastics, Fibre lass, Ferrocement, Paints and Varnishes

Strength of materials 

Introduction: Elasticity, Deformation, Poison’sratio, Mechanicalproperties, Stress-strain relationship.
Stress: Stresses i n cross-sections, Localized, Temperature, Shear and Combined stresses, Nature and causes of failure, Allowable and Working stresses.
ShearforceandBendingmoment:Definition,Uses,Loadingconditions,Signconvention, Shear force and Bending moment relations and diagrams for Uniform, Concentric and Inclined load in horizontal and inclined beams, Thrust diagram.
Deflection of Beam: Definition, Types, Methods, Deflections of cantilever and simple beam under different loadings, Stress and Deflection of helical spring.
Torsion: Definition, Relation among curve, radius and moment, Torsion in circular and hollow shafts.
Principal Stress: Definition,Principalplains,Stress-strains,Mohr’scircle,Analyticaland  Graphical solutions for stress system in horizontal and inclined plains.
Column and strut: Definition,Euler’sformula,Limitationsanduses,Stressesinshortand long columns,  Slenderness ratio and capacity reduction

Cost Estimation 

Introduction: Definition, Types of estimation, Works of different estimation, Rates and Specifications.
Earth work: Earth work volume measure of building foundation, Highways, Canal and earth dam.
Building work: Materials and labour requirements per unit work, Brickwork estimated by Long and Short walls, Centre-line and Joint methods, preparation of materials and cost sheets.
Pipe, Drains and Canal : Materials, labour and cost estimation of Sewer line, Surface drain and Canals.
Road work: Materials of macadam, Cambering, Labour and Cost of concrete and bituminous roads.
Timber work: Material and cost measure for King post and Queen post roof trusses.
Form work: Materials, Load calculation, Form works for Piers , Column, Beam and roof.
Painting works: Estimation of materials for white wash, burnishes and enamel and plastic paints.
Work Scheduling: Preparation of schedule, Tender, Quotation and Indenting of materials.

soil Mechanics 

Introduction: Definition of soil mechanics, history and scope.
Soil: Engineering definition,constituents,particlesizedistribution,effectivesize,different coefficients and uses. 
Soil Classification and Phases: Soil classification, physical and mechanical properties on volumetric and gravimetric relations.
Soil Consistency: Soil states, plasticity limits and determination.
Compaction: Proctor and modified Proctor tests, effect of compaction on soil properties.
Stabilization: Requirements, uses and methods.
Consolidation: Consolidation theory, primary and secondary consolidation.
ShearStrength:Cubicalstresssystems,stressequilibrium,Mohr-Coulomb equation for two and three dimensional cases. Direct shear and triaxial tests.

Concrete structure design 

Plain concrete: Definition,properties,concretemixingandplacing,segregation,bleeding, curing,stress-strain relationship.
Reinforced concrete: Fundamental propositions, general principles, shear and bond analysis, working stress and ultimate strength design methods.
Prestressed concrete:Introduction,materialsusedforprestressing,prestressingsystems, loss of prestress.
Slab: Type, design of one way, two way and integrated slabs,design of slab ridges.
Beams:Type,Flexuraldesignbyworkingstressandultimatestrengthdesignmethods, designfor shear,diagonal tension and bond,design details.
Lintel:Design of lintel.
Column:Type, design of tied, spiral and long columns.
Retaining wall:Type,design of different components of retaining wall.
Stairs: Type,design of stairs and landing

Environmental Engineering 

introduction: Environment-itscomponents,human-environment interaction, importance of environmental engineering.
The spheres: Atmosphere- its layers, composition and quality; hydrosphere-the hydrologic cycle; lithosphere.
Water supply & quality management: Water supply – sources, treatment, distribution, water qualitycriteria,standard, control, waste water- collection, characteristics, its microbiology
Pollution & control: Air, soil, water & noise pollution-causes, effects and control
Special problems of concern: Greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, photochemical smog, acid rain, radioactive pollution, arsenic pollution. Environmental laws & legislation: International and Bangladesh laws and their enforcemt

solid waste management 

Introduction: Definition, sources, generation & types of solid wastes.
Waste properties & composition: Physical, chemical properties of solid wastes; composition of wastes generated by residential, commercial, agricultural, industrial establishments
Effects of solid wastes: Soil, water, air pollution, value reduction
Stages of management: Collection, on-site handling, storage &processing, transfer stations &transport, ultimate disposal, land filling – site selection, methods, gases generated, problems associated, hazardous wastes – types, treatment, community mobilization.
Waste recovery, recycling & reuse: Waste reuse as fuel, feed for dairy & poultry and building materials, bio-gas generation, factors, mechanism, types of digester, digester design, bio-fertilizer mechanism, potential, applicability, composting- factors, controlling points, plant design.

Rural Infrastructure and Transportation Engineering

Housing: Housing practices in rural areas; housing materials; design and estimation; improvement of indigenous
materials; low-cost housing; rural sanitation system.
Rural enterprises: livestock and food industries; improvement of system and services. Resources management:
Renewable energy; recycling and utilization of waste materials.
Transport system: Different types of transport system; analysis of transportation demand; roads and highway
materials; soil stabilization; low cost road construction; design of culvert and bridges. Transportation system management

Water Pollution and Treatment

Introduction: Definition, importance, impact on environment.
Water pollution: Sources & types of water pollution, waste water characteristics, effects of pollution, eutriphication, waste assimilation capacity of water bodies.
Treatment & Disposal:Collectionofwastewater,thebasisfortreatment,preliminary, primary, secondary & advanced water treatment techniques-their purpose, mechanism, feasibility, sludge treatment & disposal, wastewater reuse.
Small scale purification: Dilution, sedimentation, filtration
The management of water & sanitation services: Participatory & community management, their sustainability
Arsenic pollution: Origin, effects, methods of removal

Applied soil mechanics 

Introduction: Soil failure, balances in shear stresses, Mohr-Coulomb failures in 2-D and 3- D states
Limit Load: Types, requirements, work and energy dissipation, velocity and energy balances. Soil Stresses: Stress equilibrium in elastic state, stress-representation, stress function, stresses in 2-D and 3-D loading.
Critical States: Triaxial shearing,isotropicconsolidation,critical-stateparameter, space and model.
Earth Pressures:Types,failuremechanismandfunctionalexpression,limitequilibrium, slipline and limit analysis methods, linkage of active earth pressure with stability of slopes and passive earth pressure to bearing capacity.
Soil Slopes and Stability: Definition, effective stresses, stability analysis by ϕ-circle and active earth pressure.
Bearing Capacity: Definition, factors, failure mechanism, functional expression, Prandtl, terzaghi, and Meyerhof, force balance and upper bound limit methods.
Settlements: Types, measurement of settlements and adverse effects on structure

Geotechnical Engineering 

Shallow Foundation: Load on foundation, design of strip, square, rectangular, circular, spread, raft, mat, grillage, combined and eccentrically loaded foundations.
DeepFoundation:Pilesandtypes,selectionofpiles,pilematerials,constructions,pile grouping, pile equations, pile handling, piledriving and design,sheetpiling,capdesign.
Cofferdams and Caissons: Types, uses, designcriteriaandconstructionsmethod
WellFoundation: Types, uses and design
Pier Foundation: Types, uses and design
Shoring,Under pinning and Scaffolding: Types, uses and construction method


Environmental Impact Assessment

Introduction: Environmental quality standards, environmental issues &
priorities, environmental impact assessment (EIA).
About EIA: Aims & objectives, baseline studies, methodologies
& indicators for describing the affected environment.
Prediction&assessmentofimpacts:Air,water,groundwater,soil,socioeconomic, visual,noise,
Decision making: Methods of evaluationofalternatives,publicparticipationindecision
Environmental monitoring: Purposes, techniques, application.
EIA for special schemes: Energy&agriculturalprojects,floodprotection,irrigation&
infrastructural development.

Farm Building and Storage Structur

Introduction: Farming as a way of life, Advances in farmhouses, Economic aspect, Storage
principles, Climatic considerations.
Design Requirements: Housing principles, Classification of farm houses, Zoo-metric data of farm
animals and space requirements for confined livestock and farm crops.
Dairy Farms: General Planning and Design considerations of a dairy farm, Confined and Loose
housing system, Feed requirement, Installations for silage, Water supply for cattle, Transport and
milking systems, Constructional details, Structural design and Selection of materials.
PoultryFarms:Generalplanninganddesignconsiderationsforapoultryfarm,Housing classification,
Basic design data for different types of houses, Design of poultry houses for broilers and layers.
Miscellaneous Structures: Farmstead, Hay, Feed and Machine shed, Milking parlours, Farm
sewage disposal.
Grain Storage: Purposes, grains losses, storage factors and method,
Structural Design: Design criteria Types of storage structure, Bin types, Grain pressure theories;
Jenssen’s, , Airy’s and Rankine’s formula, Godowns and Bag-storage structures.
Management and Control: Maintaining quality of stored grains, Insects, pests and fungus of
stored grains and their controls.
Cold Storage: Purposes, Types and design criteria.

Rural Housing and Sanitation

Housing:Generalrequirementofhousing,socio-economicaspectsofhousing,traditional building
DesignandPerformanceofhousingcomponents:Floor,wallandroofingmaterials, aspects of
strength and durability.
Lowcosthousing:Developmentofbuildingmaterials,physicalandchemicaltreatments, cost
Rural Sanitation: Problems and needs, sanitary options, developments of traditional sanitary
Domestic water use: Source, supply, hygiene and disposal.