Irrigation & Water Management

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Fluid mechanics 

Fundamentals of fluid: Definition, Classification, General properties.
Principles of hydrostatic pressure: Unit pressure, Resultant pressure, Pascal’s Law, Free surface of a liquid, Atmospheric pressure, Absolute and gauge pressures, Vapor pressure, Pressure head, Variation of pressure with depth.
Measurement of hydrostatic pressure: Principle of pressure measurement, Manometer, Types of manometer, Working principles of various manometers.
Hydrostatic pressure on surfaces: Total pressure on plane surfaces, Position of center of pressure on plane surfaces, Total pressure on curved surfaces and its direction of action, Pressure triangle, Calculation of total pressure from pressure triangle.
Buoyancy of fluid: Archimedes’ principle, Conditions of equilibrium of floating bodies, 

Determination of metacentric height: analytical method and experimental method, Floating bodies anchored at base, Floating bodies with bilge water.

Fundamentals of fluid flow: Path lines and stream tubes, Types of flow, Continuity of flow, Continuity equation, Energy and head, Forms of energy and head in fluid, Total energy and total head


1. Measurement of pressure in pipes by different manometers
2. Measurement of atmospheric pressure by barometer
3. Determination of location of center of pressure of a submerged plane surface
4. Determination of metacentric height of a floating body
5. Solution of problems on different topics of fluid mechanics



Energy calculation in fluid flow: Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation, Application of Bernoulli’s equation in Pitot tube, nozzle, orifice meter and venturimeter.

Flow through orifices: Orifice flow process, Coefficients of orifice flow, Head loss in orifice, Orifice flow calculation, Submerged orifice, Orifice under low heads.
Flow over notches and weirs: Types of notches and weirs, Flow over rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal weir, Flow over broad crested and submerged weirs, Time of emptying a reservoir with a rectangular weir.
Flow through pipes: Pipe flow terminology, Reynolds’ experiment and pipe flow type, Energy heads in a pipe, Major and minor head losses in pipe, Derivation of equations for head losses, Pipe diagrams, Flow in pipe networks.
Introduction to open channels: Types, Velocity distribution, Geometric elements, Energy in open channel, Critical, sub-critical and super critical flows, Hydraulically efficient cross section.


1. Determination of orifice coefficients.
2. Determination of discharge coefficients of notches and weirs
3. Determination of Venturi coefficient
4. Verification of Bernoulli’s energy theorem
5. Determination of coefficient of friction of pipe
6. Study of different types of flow

Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Introduction: Necessity and scope of irrigation, Total and supplemental irrigation, Necessity and scope of drainage,
Role of agricultural engineers in irrigation and drainage.
Soil-Water-Plant Relationship: Energy environment of plants, Retention of soil water, Soil water constants, Water
movement through soil-plant-atmosphere system, Soil water extraction by plants, Soil water and plant growth.
Crop-Water Requirement and Irrigation Scheduling: Terminology, Consumptive use of water and its
determination, Effective rainfall, Irrigation requirement, Factors affecting irrigation scheduling, Methods of
irrigation scheduling, Irrigation scheduling for major crops of Bangladesh.
Irrigation Methods and Irrigation System Design: Surface irrigation, Sub-irrigation, Sprinkler irrigation, Trickle
or drip irrigation, Selection of irrigation method, Field layout design for surface irrigation, Design of border, check
basin, furrow, sprinkler and drip irrigation systems, Irrigation efficiencies.
Water Conveyance and Distribution Systems: Classification of channels, Layout and alignment of open channels,
Design of open channels, Lined and unlined canals, Maintenance of canals, Buried pipe irrigation distribution.
Irrigation Water Quality: Sources of irrigation water, Quality of surface and ground water, Standards for irrigation
water, Classification of irrigation water, Improvement of water quality.
Salt Problems in Irrigated Agriculture: Terms and terminology, Causes of salt build-up in irrigated soils, Leaching
requirement, Management of salt affected soils.
Drainage for Agriculture: Sources of excess water, Effects water logging, Drainage status of soil, Effects of poor
drainage, Drainage and farming.
Drainage Systems: Surface drainage systems: Classification, Design, Construction and Maintenance; 

Sub-surface drainage systems: Water table and plant growth, Flow into drains, Types of drains.
Tile Drainage: Classification, Size of tile drains, Design criteria for depth and spacing, Envelope filters, Quality of
drain tile, Outlets maintenance.


1. Soil water measurement with various devices
2. Soil-water retention measurement with pressure plate apparatus
3. Determination of irrigation water requirement in a field plot
4. Water quality measurement
5. Measurement of soil physic-chemical properties
6. Demonstration on various irrigation methods
7. Demonstration on subsurface drainage systems
8. Study of lysimetric measurements
9. Study tour to irrigation projects and report writining 

Ground water Engineering 

Origin and Occurrence of Groundwater: Occurrence and importance of groundwater, Water storage and transmitting
properties of rocks and minerals, Vertical distribution of groundwater, Water bearing and non-bearing geologic formations,
Types and properties of aquifers.
Groundwater Exploration: Surface methods: Geologic and hydrologic methods, Remote sensing and geophysical techniques,
Sub-surface methods: Test drilling and geophysical methods.
Groundwater Movement: Darcy’s law, Hydraulic conductivity and permeability, Groundwater flow equations, Flow net
analysis, Groundwater flow rates and flow directions.
Well Hydraulics: Steady unidirectional flow, Steady and unsteady radial flow to confined and unconfined wells, Pumping tests
and analyses for aquifer properties, Step drawdown test and well performance evaluation, Well interference and spacing.
Aquifer Recharge and Yield: Groundwater recharge, discharge and balance, Safe yield of aquifers.

Groundwater Quality and Pollution: Groundwater quality parameters, Water quality standards for various uses, Sources and
causes of groundwater pollution, Environmental consequences of pollution, Attenuation of pollution, Evaluation of pollution
potential and monitoring of groundwater quality


1. Measurement of depth to water level in tube well and aquifer using different devices
2. Preparation of groundwater table hydrograph, contour map and flow-nets for selected locations
3. Collection and analysis of formation materials and plotting grain-size distribution curves
4. Analyses of pumping test data using analytical and type-curve solution techniques for aquifer properties
5. Assessment of groundwater recharge and case studies on groundwater balance of aquifer
6. Field visits to study pumping wells, monitoring wells, drawdown measurements

Agricultural Mateorology 

Introduction: Scope and subject matter of agricultural meteorology, Importance of agricultural meteorology for agricultural engineers.
Climates and Weather: World climates, Classification, Boundaries and characteristics.
Solar and EarthRadiation:Verticalstructureoftheatmosphere,Solarandearthradiation, Nature and laws of electromagnetic radiation, Heat balance of earth’s surface and atmosphere.
GeneralCirculation:Thermalcirculation,Effectsofearth’srotation,Jetstreams,Effect of land and water distribution, Migratory systems, Fronts, Airmasses.
Clouds, Thunderstorms and Tornadoes: Forms of Clouds, Clouds and air motions, Convective clouds, Thunderstorms, Tornadoes.
ImportantClimaticParameters:Temperature,Lapserate;Precipitation-formation,forms, types & measurements; Artificially induced precipitation; Humidity; Wind and air pressure, Wind speed profile, Wind breaks and shelter effects.
EffectofClimaticElementsonAgriculture:Radiationandlightdistributionwithinthe plant canopy, Photosynthesis, Photoperiodism, Thermoperiodism, Vernalization, Soil moisture, Soil temperature, Evapotranspiration, Wind effect, Crop
climate of important crops grown in Bangladesh.
ClimaticChangeandCropProduction:WeatherandClimateofBangladesh,Causes of weather and climatic change ,Climate changes and ecosystem ,Impact of climate changes on crop production, Greenhouse effect and its consequences

Hydraulic Engineering

Open Channel Flow: Types, Velocity distribution in channel section, State and regimes of flow
Energy and Momentum Principle: Energy in open channel flow, Specific energy, Critical state of flow, Momentum
in open channel flow, Specific force
Critical Flow: Section factor, hydraulic exponent and their, Critical flow computation, Control of flow
Uniform Flow: Chezy’s formula, Manning’s formula, Determination of roughness coefficient, Conveyance of a
channel section, Section factor and hydraulic exponent of uniform flow computation, Design of channel for uniform
Gradually Varied Flow: Computation of water surface profile
Rapidly varied Flow: Types of hydraulic jump, Uses of hydraulic jump, Depth of hydraulic jump, Energy loss in
hydraulic jump, Flow over spillway


1. Study of hydraulically operated gates
2. Determination of Manning’s roughness coefficient
3. Study of velocity distribution in an open channel
4. Determination of energy and momentum correction factor
5. Study of flow over a hump
6. Calibration of a broad crested weir
7. Study of hydraulic jump
8. Study of free overfall phenomenon
9. Determination of end depth

Pumps and well 

Pumps and Pumping Plants: Indigenous water lifting devices, Pump classification, characteristics and selection,
Pump-pipe line system design, Power requirements, Efficiency and economics of pumping plants, Pump installation,
operation and maintenance.
Deep Well Turbine and Submersible Pumps: Principles of operation, Pump selection and installation, Pump
troubles, remedies and maintenance.
Water Wells: Open wells and Tubewells, Types, design and construction of open wells.
Tubewells and their Design: Types of tubewells, Components of a tubewell assembly, Types and selection of
strainers, Design of housing pipe, casing, screen and gravel packs, Radial wells and infiltration galleries, Tubewell
interference and spacing.
Tubewell Construction: Construction of bored and driven wells, Methods of tubewell drilling, Selection of a drilling
method, Verticality of tubewells, Installation of tubewell accessories, Pump and prime movers, Sanitary protection of
Tubewell Development and Testing: Purpose and methods of well development, Well test for yield and performance,
Well losses and efficiency.
Tubewell Failure and Rehabilitation: Causes of tubewell failure, Diagnosing of well failure, Corrosion and
incrustation of well screens, Rehabilitation of sick wells.


1. Study of manually operated pumps and report writing
2. Study of suction mode and force mode pumps report writing
3. Determination of efficiencies of pumping devices
4. Preparation of a typical layout of an irrigation pump installation
5. Determination of power requirements of centrifugal pumps and cost estimations
6. Analysis of test boring samples for preparation of grain size distribution curves and well logs.
7. Performance evaluation of a tubewell by field test
8. Field visit to a deep tubewell drilling site and writing a report

Soil and water conservation 

Introduction: Necessity, scope and phase of soil and water conservation engineering.
Infiltration: Factors affecting infiltration, Measurement of infiltration, Rainfall simulator, Equations and
Indices of infiltration.
Runoff: Factors affecting runoff, Prediction of runoff rates and volumes.
Soil Erosion: Forms of erosion, Factors affecting erosion, Water erosion: Types, Estimation of soil losses,
Erosion control measures, Wind Erosion: Wind profile, Type of soil movement, Mechanics of wind erosion,
Erosion control measures.
Vegetated Outlets and Water Courses: Uses and design, Waterway construction and maintenance,
Establishment of vegetation in large gullies.
Terracing: Functions and Classification; Channel type, ridge type and bench type terrace, Design of
terraces, Planning of terrace system, Construction and maintenance of terrace.
Conservation Structures: Type and design features, Drop spillways, Chutes, Formless flumes, Pipe
spillways, Culverts, Drop inlets, Hood inlets and outlet protection.
Pollution and Control measures: Soil pollution: Causes, Impacts, Control measures, Water pollution:
Causes, Control measures.
Legal Aspects of Soil and Water Conservation: Kinds of Law, Contracts, Assessment, Zoning and
weather modification, Legal aspects with respect to irrigation and drainage.


1. Measurement and analysis of infiltration under saturated and unsaturated flows
2. Determination of soil loss by simulated rainfall in laboratory
3. Determination of soil loss by flowing water in a field
4. Determination of soil loss by Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE)
5. Design and construction of a model vegetated outlets
6. Planning and design of terrace system
7. Field trip and report writining


Introduction: Subject matter of hydrology, Hydrologic cycle, Hydrological processes.
Evaporation and Precipitation: Evaporation process, Measurement of evaporation, Estimation
of reservoir evaporation, Forms and types of precipitation, Measurement and estimation
techniques, Interpretation and analysis of precipitation data, Temporal and areal variation of
Stream Flow: Measurement of stage and discharge, Stage-discharge relationship, Planning of
stream flow network.
Runoff: Components and classification, Annual runoff volumes, Flow-duration curve, Flow-mass
curve, Methods of estimating storm runoff volumes.
Hydrographs: Segments of a hydrograph, Recession curves, Hydrograph separation, Unit
hydrograph, Derivation and application of unit hydrographs.
Flood Routing: Techniques of hydrological routing through reservoirs and channels.
Probability Analysis: Probability distributions, Analytical and graphical methods of floodfrequency analysis, Low-flow analysis, Estimation of dependable rainfall.
Reservoirs: Physical characteristics, Yield, Capacity, Sedimentation and site selection.


1. Measurement of flow velocity with current meter
2. Measurement of stream flow by mean section method
3. Measurement of stream flow mid-section method
4. Computation of average precipitation over an area
5. Estimation of reservoir evaporation
6. Estimation of missing precipitation
7. Extension of rating curves
8. Derivation of unit hydrograph
9. Applications of unit hydrograph
10. Computation of outflow through reservoir routing
11. Computation of downstream flow through channel routing
12. Flood frequency analysis by analytical and graphical methods
13. Determination of reservoir capacity 

On farm water management 

Introduction: Necessity, scope and problems of on-farm water management, Major components
of a pump irrigation system – water sources, lifting devices, power unit, water distribution systems,
method of irrigation.
Irrigation Command Area Development: Actual and potential command area, Factors affecting
command area, Problems and prospects of command area development.
Flow Measuring Devices and Techniques: Purpose of irrigation water measurement, Techniques
of measuring pump discharge and water flow in distribution system; Use of portable weirs and
Management of Water Distribution System: Irrigation system management, Causes of water
losses, Methods of measuring water losses, Techniques of minimizing water losses, Crop-water
production function and its uses.
Diagnostic Analysis of Irrigation Projects: Concept and Purposes, Approaches of diagnostic
analysis, Data for diagnostic analysis.
Socio-cultural and Economic Aspects: Farmer’s organization: Necessity, Types, Functions and
requirements, Irrigation economy and cost-benefit analysis.
Performance Evaluation of Irrigation Project: Objectives of evaluation, Monitoring and
evaluation, Indicators and factors, Fundamental approaches.

Irrigation structure 

Introduction: Types and uses of irrigation structures, Classification and uses of dams, Site
selection for dams.
Gravity Dam: Forces acting on dams, Modes of failures, Stability analysis, Design of dam.
Earthen Dam: Classification, Phreatic line, Causes of failure, Safe design; Design of filter, apron
and cut-off walls, Seepage control measures, Stability analysis.
Rubber Dam: Applicability, Advantages, Salient features, Technical aspects.
Canal Headworks: General features, Site selection, Component parts and their functions,
Classification of weir, Design of weir, Salient features of barrage.
Cross Drainage Works: General features, Classification of aqueduct, Design of aqueducts.
Water Conveyance Structures: General features and uses, Design of culvert, Design of
spillways, Design of flumes, Design of energy dissipation devices.
Farm Irrigation Structures: Importance, Design of drop structures, Design of chutes, Design of
check gates, Design of turnouts, Design of Diversions.

Flood control and river training 

Flood Problems: Floods in Bangladesh, Types and causes of flood, Economic losses due to floods,
Estimation of flood.
Flood Control Measures: Flood mitigation reservoirs, Channel improvement works, River dike
or embankments, Diversion channel, Flood ways, Flood plain zoning – Land or watershed
treatment, Spreading grounds; Evacuation and insurance – Flood forecasting and warning.
Economics of Flood Control Projects: Estimation of flood damages and control benefits, Costbenefit analysis.
Rivers: Types of rivers and their behavior, Characteristics of rivers on alluvial plains, Rivers and
their behavior in Bangladesh.
River Training and Control Works: Objective and theories of river training works, Guide bank,
Groyne, Cut-off, Pavement pitching, Brick revetment, Pitched island, Slope grading, Vegetal
cover, Sheet pile, Percupine and other miscellaneous works, River bank protection methods in

land and water shade management 

Watershed: Concept and objectives of watershed management, Importance of watershed management in Bangladesh,
Classification of watershed, River basins – macro and micro watersheds, Watershed characteristics.
Land Grading and Forming in Watersheds: Factors to be considered, Computation of land grading, Estimation of
earth work volumes, Grading a land.
Land Capability Classification and Land use System: Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZs) of Bangladesh, Effects of
land use and land capability on watersheds.
Sedimentation: Sedimentation process, Factors affecting movement of sediment, Sediment measurement, Sediment
yields from watersheds.
Impacts of Forests on Watershed Hydrology: Forestry practices affecting water quantity, quality and balance;
Shifting cultivation – effects and control measures.
Indigenous Technology Knowledge (ITK) in Watersheds: Importance, scope and scientific basis; ITK
documentation and its application in watershed management.
Planning for Watershed Management: Need for planning, Procedure for management, Data requirements for
planning and economic analysis, Preparation of watershed work plan.
Integrated Watershed Management: Background, Strategy and conceptual teamwork, Participatory processes,
Gender analysis in participatory watershed management.