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Mathematics 1

Differential Calculus:

  •  function; 
  • limit of a function;
  •  continuity and differentiability of functions; 
  • successive differentiation;
  •  physical applications of first and second order derivatives; 
  • Leibnitz’s theorem; expansion of functions; 
  • Rolle’s theorem; 
  • mean value theorem; 
  • Taylor’s theorem and Maclaurins theorem (proof not required);
  • maxima and minima for functions of one and two variables; 
  • functions of several variables; 
  • partial differentiation; 
  • tangent; 
  • normal and curvature.  

Integral Calculus:

  • Review of indefinite integrals; 
  • definite integrals;
  •  properties of definite integrals; 
  • gamma and beta functions;
    integration by reduction, 
  • integrals with several variables; 
  • rectification; 
  • quadrature; 
  • surface areas and volumes of revolution.



  • Introduction; 
  • transpose of matrix;      
  • adjoint and inverse of a matrix;       
  • solution of linear equations by matrices;
  • rank of a matrix;                
  • symmetric and skew – symmetric matrix;            
  • Hermitian matrix;             
  • orthogonal matrix.

Mathematics 2

  • Differential Equations:
  • types of differential equations;         
  • formation of differential equations;         
  • solution of first order and first degreee quations; 
  • solution of linear differential equations of second and higher orders with constant coefficients;
  •  method of variation of parameters;
  • solution of homogeneous linear equations;
  • solution of differential equations in series (Frobenius method);
  • Co-ordinate geometry:
    Co-ordinates of a point in space; 
  • distance between two points;
  •  direction cosines and direction ratios of a straight line; 
  • angle between two straight lines;
  • condition of perpendicularity and parallelism of two straight lines, sphere and conicoid;

Numerical analysis: 

  • solution of algebraic and transcendental equations; 
  • interpolation and extrapolation; 
  • numerical differentiation and integration; 
  • numerical solution of ordinary differential equations

Mathematics 3

  • Fourier series & Fourier integrals:
    Trigonometric series;
  •  the Euler-Fourier formula; 
  • expansion of functions into Fourier series; 
  • half range expansions; the Fourier integrals; 
  • Fourier series.

Legendre polynomial:

  • Legendre polynomial from Legendre equation; 
  • recurrence formula for Legendre polynomial, Rodrigues formula; 
  • Orthogonality of Legendre polynomial; 
  • generating function.
  • Bessel’s functions:
  • Derivation of Bessel’s function from the solution of Bessel’s equation; 
  • recurrence formula for Bessels functions; 
  • orthogonal properties of Bessel’s functions.


Vector calculus:

  • Scalar & vector functions; gradient of a scalar function; 
  • curl & divergence of a vector function; 
  • Green’s theorem; 
  • Gauss’s divergence theorem and Stokes theorem

Engineering physics 

  • General Properties of matter:
    Elasticity,         surface tension         viscosity.
    Heat and Thermodynamics:
  • First law of thermodynamics and its applications, 
  • different kinds of thermo-dynamical changes, 
  • interrelation between pressure, 
  • volume and temperature.
  •  Second law of thermodynamics; 
  • reversible and irreversible processes, 
  • heat engine and Carnot’s cycle.
Electricity and Magnetism
  • Current and resistance, 
  • Kirchhoff’s laws on distribution of current. 
  • Magnetic induction due to current,
    Ampere’s law, 
  • Biot-Savartlaw. 
  • Electromagnetic induction, 
  • Henry-Faraday’slaw, inductance, L-Rcircuits.
    Nuclear Physics and Electronics:
    Nuclear physics – Atomic and nuclear structure,
  •  radio activity,
  •  decay law, 
  • half life, 
  • nuclear fission and fusion, 
  • uses of radio isotopes
1. Determination of Y (Young’s modules) by Searle’s method.
2. Determination of modulus of rigidity by dynamic method.
3. Determination of ‘g’ by Kater’s pendulum.
4. Determination of surface tension by capillary rise.
5. ComparisonofmagneticmomentsoftwobarmagnetsintanAandtanBpositionbydeflectionmethod.
6. Comparison of magnetic moments of two bar magnet by null method.
7. Determination of H by Vibration magnetometer.
8. Determination of refractive index of liquid by a plane mirror and a convex lens.
9. Verification of laws of combination of resistance by P.O. Box