Soil Science

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Introductory soil science 

  • Introduction: Concept of soil,
  •  major components of soil; 
  • Soil genesis: Rocks and minerals –classification and properties; 
  • Weathering – physical and chemical weathering;
  •  Soil forming factors – climate, biosphere, parent material, relief and time Soil profile; 
  • Soil properties: Physical –soil particles, soil texture, soil structure, particle density, bulk density, porosity;
    Chemical – soil pH, ion exchange in soil; Biological – soil organisms and their importance;
    Soil fertility and plant nutrition: Plant nutrients – criteria of essentiality, source, and available forms; 
  • Soil organic matter – sources and functions; 
  • Soil water: Importance, classification, soil water constants, evapotranspiration; 
  • Agro-ecological zones of Bangladesh: Concept, location, extent and crops grown; Problem soils of Bangladesh.


  • Collection and preparation of soil samples; 
  • Identification of important rock and mineral specimen;
  •  Determination of particle density of soil by volumetric flask method;
    Determination of bulk density of soil by core sampler method; 
  • Determination of soil pH by glass electrode pH meter;
  •  Determination of soil organic carbon by wet oxidation method.